Our Feelings https://ourfeelings.org Explore about Relationship Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:57:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You https://ourfeelings.org/signs-she-is-hiding-her-feelings-for-you/ https://ourfeelings.org/signs-she-is-hiding-her-feelings-for-you/#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:57:20 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=846 You almost know that she feels for you, but you are scared to tell her that, even she is not directly telling you that she is in love with you because of some reason. Also, your gut feeling agrees with you that she likes you, but she is not telling you. This is the time that most of the people get confused about girls they like. There could be a possible reason that she values friendship more then the relationship, also if there is a chance that she sees no happy future with you. The last possible reason is that

The post 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You appeared first on Our Feelings.


You almost know that she feels for you, but you are scared to tell her that, even she is not directly telling you that she is in love with you because of some reason. Also, your gut feeling agrees with you that she likes you, but she is not telling you. This is the time that most of the people get confused about girls they like. There could be a possible reason that she values friendship more then the relationship, also if there is a chance that she sees no happy future with you. The last possible reason is that she does not want to lose you and for that she is not proposing to you. We have accumulated this 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You.

12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You

If you too have that girl in your life who is not able to express her feelings and making you more confused by her gesture, then this article is just made for you. 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You. This 12 signs which are not common if she is just your friend. This article will describe how playfully she is hiding her feelings and how you can take the first step of telling her that you feel the same for her.

Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You

Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You

Body language

How hard a person tries but the body language is one of the strong points which cannot be hidden. If she loves you or likes you she will seat near to you, she will try to be around you, and her hands and body will always try to be near to you.

 She’s flirty over text

If she really in you she will surely flirt you in a text, and this is one among the 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You. Girls only flirt to those guys in whom she is interested too. If she is frank to you and shares most of the things with you, this could be the sign that she cares for you.

 Her friends know about you

Girls always have this bunch of friends with whom she shares most of the things. Most of the girls share things with her best friends, and so if her friends know about you, it means you have a special place in her heart.

She’s always there for you

No matter how worst the situation gets she will not leave you and she will try to be with you with what so ever is the situation, and she is the keeper, and she will try every possible thing to save you from worst of the situation.

 She’s apologetic

Not every girl has this quality to do apology for the mistake, also in an argument, she will be the one to tell you sorry also if she has done no mistake. Her apology is the biggest sign that she loves you and won’t leave you.

She laughs at your jokes 

You know that you have the bundle of the worst joke which you enjoy cracking each time and she is the only girl who laughs at those silly jokes. This is one among the 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You, and she is truly devoted to you.

Eye contact

If she is the one who is listening to you by looking directly to your eyes that means she is paying attention to what so ever you are saying. Eye contact is one of the important reason that says that She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You.

She remembers the details

Not every woman remembers everything and if she is really in to you she can remember the whole details which you have shared of childhood to adulthood, if she loves you she would have that sensitivity in the things which you have shared with her, and she also must be having that attachment to whatever you have shared with her.

She’s jealous of other women

A woman who loves you or has some feelings will always be jeoulse of another woman that is in your life. If she tells you or react to some ways that she is jeoulse, she is the one who is hiding her feelings for you.

She gets awkward

When someone behaves awkwardly with you, that means that she is attracted to you and controlling the emotions in front of you. If that happens with her more often, that means She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You.

She goes out with you

No matter when you call, what time and with whom, she is always ready to meet you, and this is one of the signs that 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You.

 She follows you on social media

Now, she doesn’t just follow you, but she also watches your Insta stories and likes your photos. If she loves you, she will stalk you and see also the pictures of yours from childhood to adulthood and also not tell you about this. This is one of the sign that 12 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You.

For more such loved filled articles visit us on lovers insiders.

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How to Show Someone You Love https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-show-someone-you-love/ https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-show-someone-you-love/#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:47:36 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=843 Help Her With Her Chores Do you have a washer and dryer at your place, and she is constantly hauling her clothes to the laundromat? Does she need to clean her bathroom, but she really, really hates cleaning? Small, meaningful gestures that help take the weight off of your partner’s daily life can sometimes mean a whole lot more than “I love you.” While those three words can be nice to hear, people say them all the time without meaning it. Or they might mean it, but they’re also dragging their partner down. This way of showing love means that you care

The post How to Show Someone You Love appeared first on Our Feelings.

Help Her With Her Chores

Do you have a washer and dryer at your place, and she is constantly hauling her clothes to the laundromat? Does she need to clean her bathroom, but she really, really hates cleaning?

Small, meaningful gestures that help take the weight off of your partner’s daily life can sometimes mean a whole lot more than “I love you.” While those three words can be nice to hear, people say them all the time without meaning it. Or they might mean it, but they’re also dragging their partner down.

This way of showing love means that you care about your significant other’s wellbeing and want to contribute to the quality of her day-to-day life. It shows that you want her to thrive in her space and that you can help share in that process.

It’s also not a bad way to spend quality time together, especially if you’re short on funds.

Turn Off Your Phone When You’re With Them

Giving someone your undivided attention is a profound and meaningful way to connect with another human. If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, or you’re simply as addicted to Instagram as I am, then it can seem normal to be flipping through your feed while you’re sitting next to your partner.

While I don’t find this behavior disrespectful or necessarily annoying, it is kind of like lingering on the threshold of a room. With one foot in and one foot out, you’re actually not fully involved anywhere.

Showing your partner that you can be fully present with them, no matter what you are doing, is a meaningful demonstration of love. In fact, it might get to the heart of what love means more than saying it.

Hold Their Hand In Public

Touch is a crucial component of love. If the two of you have a strong sexual chemistry in private, then I don’t think it necessarily needs to be concealed when you go out of the house.

That’s not to say that you should be doing more than you’re comfortable with — you really don’t have to make out in public — but tiny gestures can go a long way.

I don’t know why it seems like people think that hand-holding means that you want to get married or that it’s somehow equivalent to going at it on a bus stop bench, but it does seem to me like a lot of couples don’t really do it. Meanwhile, my platonic friends and I totally do, and it’s one of my favorite gestures of tenderness.

In any case, I think that everybody, as a society, needs more handholding. Not only between couples, either. Hold hands with your friends! It’s a simple display of intimacy that actually doesn’t have anything to do with sex. It just shows that you are connected. Support Her Ambitions

Never tell your partner that she cannot do something or discourage her in any way. Ever. There’s no better way to become leaders in the bottom of somebody who was built to fly. Because your girlfriend was built to fly. Is that clear?

In addition to not becoming dead-weight, it’s important that you actually lend physical and emotional support to somebody’s desires and ambitions.

That means that if you have a technical skill that could assist her with a project, if you can introduce her to someone who can help her get her dream job, or simply if you can hold space for her to talk about what she is working on, then you should do that.

It feels like this should be Feelings 101 stuff — if you care for someone, then you should want to see them do well. But in two of my previous relationships, men have thought that I was vain or too ambitious because I had dreams or, just as bad, made my talents about them.

If your girlfriend has a skill that you admire, do not allow your admiration to turn to jealousy. That’s not how to show someone you love them. That’s not even loving.

 Ask Her How She Is Feeling

Emotions really should not be that difficult to talk about. If you love somebody, then you’re probably sharing in your emotions already — at least the ones you have for each other.

However, a relationship is only one aspect of a person’s life. Did she have a recent argument with her mom? Follow up with whether or not it was resolved, and how she is feeling about it now. Does her best friend have a new boyfriend whom she isn’t sure she likes? Hear her out in her analysis.

Asking what’s actually going on in her universe, and then asking to follow up questions, means you care for the condition of her spirit and her soul even when she’s not around you.

Feed Him

Bonus points if you bring your partner along with you on your shopping expedition. It’s good quality time and maybe he needs to pick some things up, too.

 Express Your Gratitude 

If “I love you” gets you tongue-tied, or if you want to say it, but it’s too soon, then you can replace that word in your vocabulary with a simple “thanks.” There is no situation that it doesn’t work in!

You know that urge to proclaim your lasting devotion after really great sex? Just say thanks!

Did she just make a joke that is cracking you up, and you want to tell her that you love her, but it’s the wrong moment? Thank her for making you laugh.

You can even thank her for existing. As a matter of fact, whether or not you’re ready to show someone you love them yet, you probably should.

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Funny Conversation Starters [Couples, Crush, Teens, Boys] https://ourfeelings.org/conversation-starters/ https://ourfeelings.org/conversation-starters/#respond Sun, 19 Aug 2018 23:43:19 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=334 What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk to each other. But all the times for all, the biggest question is how to start conversion? How can you have a dazzling conversation when you meet? In this article, we have collected some working tricks and tips to start an amazing conversation. We have a list of Text Conversation Starters, Tinder Conversation Starters. How about conversation starters? I have some awesome conversation starters that can help spark interesting, deep and memorable conversation with anyone you speak with. Here are a few great questions

The post Funny Conversation Starters [Couples, Crush, Teens, Boys] appeared first on Our Feelings.

What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk to each other. But all the times for all, the biggest question is how to start conversion? How can you have a dazzling conversation when you meet? In this article, we have collected some working tricks and tips to start an amazing conversation. We have a list of Text Conversation Starters, Tinder Conversation Starters.

How about conversation starters? I have some awesome conversation starters that can help spark interesting, deep and memorable conversation with anyone you speak with. Here are a few great questions for starting a conversation. There are a lot of random conversation starters to obtain you started after which chat concerns listed by topic. You can begin with the random questions or find a subject that interests you. There’s no right place to begin, just scroll down to wherever you want and get going!

Funny Conversation Starters For Girls and Boys

You will find lots of approaches to use these issues. I realize that the most satisfying approach is for all to pull up this listing of discussion starters on the phone or tablet, after which take turns making everyone choose a question to ask the group. Remember don’t be afraid to delve deeply into the discussion. Answering the precise issue isn’t the target, having a fascinating dialogue is! The subject could have you imagine there are 250 questions, but you will find more. I’m sure you don’t mind a couple of more questions, right? Search in and start having some good conversation questions! You can begin with the random conversation questions below.

Conversation Starters

Random Conversation Starters

  • What was the last funny video you saw?
  • What do you do to get rid of stress?
  • What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
  • What did you do on your last vacation?
  • What was the last time you worked incredibly hard?
  • Are you very active of do you prefer to just relax in your free time?
  • What do you do when you hang out with your friends?
  • Who is your oldest friend? Where did you meet them?
  • What’s the best / worst thing about your work/school?
  • If you had intro music, what song would it be? Why?
  • What were you really into when you were a kid?
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?
  • Wht three words best describe you?
  • What would be your perfect weekend?
  • What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?
  • Who in your life brings you the most joy?
  • Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become?
  • What is the most annoying habit someone can have?
  • Where is the most beautiful place you have been?
  • Where do you spend most of your free time / day?
  • Who was your best friend in elementary school?
  • How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?
  • What’s your favorite season? Why?
  • Which is more important, a great car or a great house? Why?
  • What animal or insect do you wish humans could eradicate?
  • Where is the most beautiful place near where you live?
  • What do you bring with you everywhere you go?
  • How much time do you spend on the internet? What do you usually do?
  • What is the most disgusting habit some people have?
  • Where and when was the most amazing sunset you have ever seen?
  • Which recent news story is the most interesting?
  • Where is the worst place you have been stuck for a long time?
  • If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?
  • What is something that really annoys you but doesn’t bother most people?
  • What word or saying from the past do you think should come back?
  • How should success be measured? By that measurement, who is the most successful person you know?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • Was there ever an event in your life that defied explanation?
  • If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?
  • Has anyone ever saved your life?
  • What benefit do you bring to the group when you hang out with friends?
  • How often do you curse?
  • What trends did you follow when you were younger?
  • What do you fear is hiding in the dark?
  • What was the best time period of your life? What do you think will be the best time period of your entire life?
  • What do you do to improve your mood when you are in a bad mood?
  • What is the silliest fear you have?

Also Check: Would You Rather Questions

Text Conversation Starters

  • What are some things you want to accomplish before you die?
  • What is the best room in your house? Why?
  • Who is someone who is popular now that you really like? Why do you like them so much?
  • Where is the best place to take a date?
  • What smell brings back great memories?
  • How often do you help others? Who do you help? How do you help?
  • What are you best at?
  • What makes you nervous?
  • Who, besides your parents, had the biggest impact on your life?
  • What weird or useless talent do you have?
  • What are some strange beliefs that some people have?
  • Who would be the worst person to be stuck in an elevator with? How about the best person to be stuck in an elevator with?
  • What’s the funniest TV series you have seen?
  • Which TV show do you want your life to be like?
  • If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which one would you bring back?
  • How have TV shows changed over the years?

Funny Conversation Starters

  • What’s the best sitcom past or present?
  • What’s the best show currently on TV?
  • What do you think about game shows? Do you have a favorite one?
  • What’s the most underrated or overrated TV show?
  • What do you think about reality TV? Why is it so popular?
  • Do you like reality TV shows? Why or why not? If so, which ones?
  • What will be the future of TV shows?
  • What was the best birthday wish or gift you’ve ever received?
  • How often do you binge watch shows?
  • What cartoons did you watch as a child?

Also Read : Questions to Ask

Movie Conversation Starters

  • What was the last movie you watched? How was it?
  • Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your own home?
  • What’s the worst movie you have seen recentl?
  • What’s the strangest movie you have ever seen
  • What is the most overrated movie?
  • What’s your favorite genre of movie?
  • What movie scene choked you up the most?
  • Do you like documentaries? Why / why not?
  • When was the last time you went to a movie theater?
  • Do movies have the same power as books to change the world?
  • Which do you prefer? Books or movies?
  • Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?
  • What was the last book you read?
  • What book has had the biggest impact on your life?
  • What was your favorite book as a child?
  • Do you prefer physical books or ebooks?

Interesting Conversation Starters

  • Now that indie publishing has become easier, have books gotten better or worse?
  • What book has influenced you the most?
  • What book has had the biggest effect on the modern world?
  • What is the longest book you have read?
  • Who was the first band or musician you were really into? Do you still like them?
  • Do you like going to concerts? Why or why not? What was the last concert you went to?
  • What song always puts you in a good mood?
  • What’s the best way to discover new music?
  • Records, tapes, CDs, MP3s. Which did you grow up with? What is good and bad about each?
  • How often do you go to the library?
  • Which do you prefer, popular music or relatively unknown music?
  • What book genres do you like to read?
  • Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books?
  • Do you like classical music?

Great Conversation Starters

  • Do you think people read more or less books now than 50 years ago?
  • Are there any songs that always bring a tear to your eye?
  • What bands or types of music do you listen to when you exercise?
  • What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
  • What was the last song you listened to?
  • How has technology changed the music industry?
  • What was the worst book you had to read for school? How about the best book you had to read for school?
  • How fast do you read?

App Conversation Starters

  • Who are some of your favorite athletes?
  • How much time do you spend watching sports in a week?
  • An app mysteriously appears on your phone that does something amazing. What does it do?
  • What are the three best apps on your phone?
  • What is the most annoying app you have tried?
  • Which sport is the most exciting to watch? Which is the most boring to watch?
  • What do you think the oldest sport still being played is?
  • If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
  • How often do you check your phone?

Sports Conversation Starters

  • What will phones be like in 10 years?
  • What kind of case do you have for your phone? Why did you choose it?
  • What is the most annoying thing about your phone?
  • What is the strangest themed restaurant you have heard of?
  • What is the worst restaurant you have ever eaten at?
  • What is the hardest sport to excel at?

Restaurant Conversation Starters

  • What apps have changed your life a lot?
  • What is the fanciest restaurant you have eaten at?
  • Do you text more or call more? Why?
  • What’s the most addictive mobile game you have played?
  • What was your first smartphone? How did you feel when you got it?
  • Do athletes deserve the high salaries they receive? Why or why not?
  • Which sports do you like to play?
  • What is the strangest app you have heard of or tried?
  • Do you experience phantom vibration? (Feeling your phone vibrate even though it didn’t.)
  • What do you wish your phone could do?
  • What do app makers do that really annoys you?
  • What’s the worst fast food restaurant?
  • What is the most useful app on your phone?
  • What kind of interior do you like a restaurant to have?
  • What is the best restaurant in your area?
  • How do you feel if you accidentally leave your phone at home?
  • Why do you think sports are common across almost all cultures present and past?
  • Who are the 3 greatest athletes of all time?

Phone Conversation Starters

  • What defines a sport? Is fishing a sport? How about video game tournaments?
  • Do you always have to have the latest phone?
  • What was your favorite restaurant when you were in university? How about when you were a child?
  • What sports do you like to watch?
  • Which app seemed like magic the first time you used it?
  • Which app has helped society the most? Which one has hurt society the most?
  • What restaurant do you eat at most?
  • Do you play sports video games? Which ones? Is playing the video game or sport more fun? Why?
  • Would you eat at a restaurant that was really dirty if the food was amazing?
  • How many apps do you have on your phone?
  • What does the most disgusting thing you have heard about that happen at a restaurant?

Travel Conversation Starters

  • Do you prefer traveling alone or with a group?
  • What is the longest plane trip you have taken?
  • Where is the most relaxing place you have been?
  • Talk about some of the interesting people you have met while traveling.
  • What do you think of tour group packages?
  • What do you think of stay-cations? (Vacationing and seeing tourist attractions where you live.)
  • Have you traveled to any different countries? Which ones?
  • Where would you like to travel next?
  • What’s the best thing about traveling? How about the worst thing?
  • Where is the most awe inspiring place you have been?
  • How do you think traveling to a lot of different countries changes a person?
  • Where do you get your recommendations for what to do and where to stay when you travel?
  • What was the most over hyped place you’ve traveled to?
  • What is the worst hotel you have stayed at? How about the best hotel?
  • What’s the best way to travel? (Plane, car, train, etc.)
  • Do you prefer to go off the beaten path when you travel?

Technology Conversation Starters

  • What is your favorite piece of technology that you own?
  • What scifi movie or book would you like the future to be like?
  • Can you think of any technology that has only made the world worse? How about a piece of technology that has only made the world better?
  • What piece of technology is really frustrating to use?
  • What was the best invention of the last 50 years?
  • What would technology from a science fiction movie you most like to have?
  • What piece of technology would look like magic or a miracle to people in medieval Europe?
  • What problems will technology solve in the next 5 years? What problems will it create?
  • What do you think the next big technological advance will be?
  • Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
  • Will technology save the human race or destroy it?
  • Which are emerging technology you most excited about?

We hope you liked our collection of Conversation Starters for Teens, Funny in 2017. Comment below if you want to share something with us.

The post Funny Conversation Starters [Couples, Crush, Teens, Boys] appeared first on Our Feelings.

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Texting games to play with a Guy & Girl https://ourfeelings.org/texting-games-play-guy-girl/ https://ourfeelings.org/texting-games-play-guy-girl/#respond Sun, 19 Aug 2018 22:02:02 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=210 Texting games are useful if you’re bored and you don’t see such as the standard texting discussion. With your activities, you’re enjoying a game over SMS. Also, if you are away from your sweetheart or boyfriend, one text may bring you two sooner right away. You’ll feel even closer while playing fun texting games. Some of our games are ideal for texting together with your partner/partner, while some are far more aimed at learning each other. In either case, you’ll have some fun, and you may laugh and laugh while keeping your phone. In this article, we have listed numerous fun

The post Texting games to play with a Guy & Girl appeared first on Our Feelings.

Texting games are useful if you’re bored and you don’t see such as the standard texting discussion. With your activities, you’re enjoying a game over SMS. Also, if you are away from your sweetheart or boyfriend, one text may bring you two sooner right away. You’ll feel even closer while playing fun texting games. Some of our games are ideal for texting together with your partner/partner, while some are far more aimed at learning each other. In either case, you’ll have some fun, and you may laugh and laugh while keeping your phone. In this article, we have listed numerous fun texting activities to play with a man or a woman.

Top 10 best Texting games to play with a Guy & Girl

Top 10 best Texting games to play with a Guy & Girl

Playing games when it comes to romance often describes mind games, but this listing is focused on actual enjoyment texting games to play with a person! Let’s be real, flirting is fun, but it can also be stressful wanting to come up with amusing answers and understanding the art of seeming serious without being anxious. Although some of the games with this record you’ll recognize as things you performed when you were young, you shouldn’t underestimate the snow breaking and entertaining purpose that activities could play in the age of electronic flirtation! Keep reading to see our top 6 picks below. 50% of the activities are perfect for texting with your sweetheart along with the spouse are far more aimed toward observing one another which will be ideal for when you’re texting with a man whom you have a crush on.

Also Read: How to Kiss a Guy

1. Romantic Story Builder

This game will be enjoyed by people like me who love to create any nonsense stories. Simply play the identical along with your men! Just begin with few words and chance by chance allow game rise and develop a whole new account. You may make it more appealing by enabling each occasion to publish just a few words, might be 5 or 6. And provides around 20 turns to each. Then finally see the whole story!! Attempt to mold the account into some fairy tale or something much more interesting which you both can hook up with. Maybe like; begin with – “There was a girl using a damaged heart.” And he might answer as, “Soon she met somebody who can grab her pain and make her smile!”

The most important point here’s if you’re enjoying the game with all the one you adore, you can proceed as weird when you could with your imaginations. No limits, no restrictions. You can also mount up fictional characters and cases.

2. Would You Rather??

‘Would You Rather’ is an elegant sport that features lots of questioning with your partner. It’s one of the fascinating methods for text gaming with your man! Inside the game, it is possible to ask questions and provide two similar choices and get your sweetheart to go with the one! You can ask some questions so that you can get each other a little more. Make sure you supply the much-related possibilities that need plenty of thinking.

The questions could be of a form – “In tub with me or the cricket match?”, “Me or even a Choco slice?”, “Hundreds of bears or hundred dollars??”

You must learn this games to play when texting. This could inform you-you sweetheart in a funnier way and discuss on items that issue without any ‘fights’! That is among preferred texting games to play with your crush in a naughty mood. [Read : Truth or Dare Questions ]

3. Texting game to play with Partner

Well, that is easy. Only talk to your person and have him to create around 5 sites the two of you could get a date! Don’t tell each other unless you are sure about the areas. Then, simply discuss the places. There might be a chance for you both mentioning the same old place where you first met. It could be a mall, or even a cinema, or perhaps a restaurant, or might be a night bar. Select that common-place and visit it 24 hours later. Who knows that you both could revive the old instances, once again!!

You can make it livelier by carrying the best of your wardrobe and dress-up to appear great and treat it as though it’s a truly blind date! If you partner gets lucky, you both may end up your day with a beautiful romantic hug!!

best Texting games

best Texting games

4. Emoji Translation Text Gaming – 2 person texting games

This is interesting. You simply must be sure that you as well as your partner have the latest emoji keyboard downloaded. All you’ve got to do is combine specific emoji and send each other. Although none of you’ll understand since few emoji do not have any true meaning, but that’s what makes it a more entertaining game! Just produce a line of emoticons and send. The response will always allow you to laugh somewhat louder.

The exciting part will be the creativity you’re able to demonstrate in the texting. Along with the most significant thing – without the actual discussion, you both could remain employed in each other for a long period. I guess that’s what connection is all about. Fun games to play while texting is obviously entertaining if you have tried it. Try this to delight you lost relation and make it more exciting!! Might be you may make a sexy symbol which only he will recognize and issues could go onto an alternative level.

5. Let’s play Role Play Texting – flirty games to play with your crush

That is among the best texting activities to play with some guy. Well, in any new relationship, straight discussing $ex might be weird. Aah!! But what if you truly need one? Easy!! There is a method called Roleplaying that could enable you guys to have to be able to trigger something you wish to discuss. Ensure that you play some anonymous person and don’t expose your actual identities!

Read: How to Get Over Your Ex

6. Time for some Facts and Dares – games to play over facetime

This is a far more exciting game than it sounds. The two of you could ask each other basic questions. The one who does not answer would need to choose, fact or perhaps a challenge! Ensure the questions, and dares are of a variety that the spouse would feel more involved too. For truth concerns, ask him questions like, “What’s your wildest fantasy?” and the dates range from seeking a photo! But make sure to allow you to associate comfortable and assure each other to delete the images soon!

Truth and Dare is one among hottest texting games which you can play online and offline too. Can you know why Texting Games To Play With Friends Had Been So Popular Till Today? Because that is the 21st century and everyone loves to play with a smartphone.You may believe it is one of these classic games that youngsters use to play, but it’s totally up for your requirements, to what amount could you consider this thing up. You can play testing activities to play with a woman you like, but be cautious.

best Texting games

best Texting games

7. I want to Acknowledge that

Another romantic texting games to play with a person – The confession game is truly easy. The thing needed for both of you will be to ask simple normal concerns and be true to each other while addressing. Begin with some clear and usual issues and discuss it. Admit some deep techniques and try to be comfortable. For instance – You ask your man, “Confess concerning the things he doesn’t like while having intercourse!” Skillfully, you can take the talk or the confessions towards the more $exy confessions may be filled with love or lust… Looking At this region can be a bit attractive, and you may end up getting arranging a wild romantic time!!

8. Song Lyrics Game

Well, within the music lyrics texting sport, you along with your mate could speak to the song lyrics. First, you think about a different line and send him and wait for his reaction! You can even play the sport with some rules such as the concept that you simply left, your person must begin from there itself.

9. Never Have I

This can be a simple game; more arrived at limelight with the success of the movie, “Ye Jawani Hai Deewani.” It’s very easy to set up with the game. You have to convey the things you never did before! Like – do not have I been to a dam!

You can add up exciting things that you wish to do with the guy you enjoying the game with. Maybe simply by saying, ‘Never have I ever made my first move’ and chances are for him to ask you to have one. Bingo!! Mission accomplished.

Read: Cheesy Tinder Pick Up Lines

10. Emoji Translation Text Gaming

This is interesting. You simply must be sure that you as well as your partner have the latest emoji keyboard downloaded. All you’ve got to do is combine specific emoji and send each other. Although none of you’ll understand since few emoji do not have any true meaning, but that’s what makes it a more entertaining game! Just produce a line of emoticons and send. The response will always allow you to laugh somewhat louder.

The exciting part will be the creativity you’re able to demonstrate in the texting. Along with the most significant thing – without the actual discussion, you both could remain employed in each other for a long period. I guess that’s what connection is all about. Fun games to play while texting is obviously entertaining if you have tried it. Try this to delight you lost relation and make it more exciting!! Might be you may make a sexy symbol which only he will recognize and issues could go onto an alternative level.

We hope you enjoyed this article on flirty texting game and 2 person texting games online. If you need any help then comment below.

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10 Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know https://ourfeelings.org/secrets-about-men-every-woman-should-know/ https://ourfeelings.org/secrets-about-men-every-woman-should-know/#respond Sun, 19 Aug 2018 21:18:10 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=531 Why do we stay with our partners? Why do we build a relationship? What should we do with those feelings that emanate now from our beloved? A man and a woman fall in love to solve the outstanding issues of their invisible ancestors. Mystery number “zero.” It’s always unpleasant for people to hear that their choice of beloved is wrong. Only at the break of relations, people are ready to accept that their ancestors are to blame for their sufferings. But they can’t understand why! When we begin our relations we feel just spiritual sympathy to each other and try

The post 10 Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know appeared first on Our Feelings.

Why do we stay with our partners? Why do we build a relationship? What should we do with those feelings that emanate now from our beloved? A man and a woman fall in love to solve the outstanding issues of their invisible ancestors. Mystery number “zero.” It’s always unpleasant for people to hear that their choice of beloved is wrong. Only at the break of relations, people are ready to accept that their ancestors are to blame for their sufferings. But they can’t understand why!

When we begin our relations we feel just spiritual sympathy to each other and try to declare ourselves from the best side. Therefore, we do not see any disadvantages of each other. But over time, we reveal to each other…And then sympathy is replaced by denial.

Where does the love go and why do the claims appear? Claims are always based on the unsatisfied necessities. Necessities that lovers cannot satisfy each other is the experience from their paternal families. If the parents, for example, lacked love, attention or respect, their children (our lovers) would need the same.

Information about losses and dissatisfied necessities are written in our DNA. Ancestors passed it to us through blood and experience. You can’t run away from it. You can only realize it, and satisfy those necessities that your ancestors couldn’t.

Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know 2

10 Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know

And for this purpose, the beloved is given. But he/ she is such a person who has records about the unsatisfied necessities similar to yours in his/ her DNA. Therefore, after a honeymoon in relations, times of dissatisfaction begin.

1. Problems in relations appear because one of the partners lacks attention from the other

Our relationships break not because of our complex nature, our habits, or something like that. If we begin giving less attention to each other, it causes negative feelings that can lead to a break.

The ways men and women attract each other’s attention are different.

A man wants to see a feminine form of attention in his woman. He wants her to obey him, accept his arguments. It’s like that a man expects the woman to be always ready for sex with him.

Man needs the woman to listen to him, so he tries to create the situation that will give new impressions.

The man always sets the direction in the relations.

But it depends on a woman whether she will support the man’s initiatives. In fact, she can refuse to listen to his offers.

If a woman does not support her man in his enthusiasm for a long time, he gradually stops conquering her attention.

A man who stops engaging a woman in the sphere of the interests, who doesn’t give her new impressions, causes her disappointment…

A woman believes that a man who can’t convince her to listen to him is weak, and the man believes a woman who isn’t involved in his offers is a bitch…

However, if attention and involving existed in the relations of man and woman even for some time, there is a connection that lives by itself and that is the Second Mystery..

2. There is a kind of sensual communication between the partners. Even when the relations break this communication remains. And while it exists, partners feel worse or better in turn.

Any emotions, feelings in a relationship arise due to the exchange of energy between the partners.
Feelings and emotions are transmitted from one partner to another. We cannot see this channel of energy transfer, but we feel discomfort. When we are in a bad mood, we want support from the partner in the form of a phone call or SMS.

And when your relations break and you learn that your ex-beloved is lucky you feel offense and revenge.

What should you do?

  • Try not to depend on this connection. Otherwise, it will take much of your energy.
  • After you have realized it, do the following: take away everything that belongs to you from the partner and give him everything that belongs to him through this connection. Thus, the connection will disappear.
  • Thank your partner for the fact that he was in your life. Make room for him in your heart.
  • Do you remember the Mystery number Zero? Had you satisfied the needs of the ancestors in this relationship? If not, then your next partner will be the same.
  • If you don’t want the relations to come to a gap and sufferings, it is necessary to know about the Third Mystery:

3. A man should be independent of his mother before decides to marry a woman

The first woman for each man is his mother.

He is attached to her the first twelve years of his life. When he becomes older, their communication weakens, but whether it is always torn?

If a mother is a self-sufficient, mature person, she easily releases the son to the world.

She sends her son to his father’s hands. Now the man is responsible for the man. So manhood comes from father to son. But it isn’t always so.

Often a mother doesn’t give freedom to her son, deciding everything for him. And she makes him a loser!

But she doesn’t want to notice it!

Subconsciously she wanted to be needed and wanted at least by him because she feels that she is Nothing. And she grows her son the same. [Read: 10 Signs You Will Be Single Forever]

If a man remains in adulthood in a state of mom’s ward, or of her “psychological husband,” he will have to drink. Only there, in a drinking bout, he will be able to fulfill her parental message: “don’t grow up!”

Men shouldn’t get married while depending on their moms.

Once the man divorces his mother and, unites his wife, there is something that is hidden in the Fourth Mystery:

4. A woman will always want her man to be less manful for no other woman could get him

Couple making love

A man should always expand his courage, overcome obstacles and open something new.

He should be involved in new things and bring the production of his knowledge at the feet of his woman.

And it makes his manhood grow.

What about his woman? She is that very universe who wishes to be examined by her man. She reveals before him, hides certain secrets, to cause his interest in new knowledge of herself.

And when he wants to start to explore another universe, she first feels confusion and then

offers him the “perfect solution”:


So it deprives him of masculinity because now he cannot refuse.

So he agrees to stay, and slowly he becomes her “son.”

Their sexual relationship finishes, but she achieves her purpose: she will always have a man who will always study and maintain only her universe. What is the way out of this impasse? The Fifth Mystery:

Also Read: What to Talk About With a Girl You Like

5. A man grows in status only thanks to the love of his women. These women are his mother and his wife. If a man doesn’t grow in his status, so there is no love to him

To grow in status one needs resources and support. Who provides this support? Someone who believes and loves!

When a couple cannot move from their status in a higher rank for a long time, it means that the man lacks strength. He needs support.

Only a woman with the power of her faith can give him support, can show him that he is strong and cool.

A man is not stronger than a woman. A man becomes stronger when a woman allows him to feel strong.

Thanks to her love he feels stronger and can grow in status, to transfer this status to his woman (or mother).

As soon as a woman stops giving attention and love to her man, his growth in status stops. You can blame a man for lack of growth and money, but the only reason for this is the woman who gives him love.

What love is you’ll find out in the Sixth Mystery:

6. When you love someone, you want to develop your partner

When one partner isn’t satisfied with the desire of the other for self-development through reading books, visiting training and seminars, he just lacks attention. And if he gets a lot of attention, but continues to prevent the other from self-development, then he doesn’t want the partner’s growth.

Then why are these people together?

Because they both play the roles of a victim and an executor.

The executor doesn’t want to feel pain, so he makes the victim feel miserable.

He is afraid of losing the partner who is trying to self-develop.

But one’s growth cannot be stopped, and then slowly, through the role of executor, tyrant, he/ she begins to pull out the partner’s wounded inner children. A painful process… and it is described in the Seventh Mystery:

7. Man serves his woman with every action, even negative: drunkenness, idleness, beating. Man is the mirror of the woman, which reflects all that she currently does not want to know about herself

Even in the most difficult relationships, in man and woman serve each other. They are the mirror of what they do not want to admit.

Two are always together until they have something to give each other. And perhaps they give each other the pain, humiliation, suffering. But they do not have a divorce. And the only reason is the story of their ancestors.

Two repeat the history of their ancestors, showing love not to the partner, but to ancestors: grandmother, grandfather, or an aborted child of their mother. [Read: How to Kiss a Girl for the First Time]

If you don’t divorce someone who does not develop you and makes you suffer, you, thanks to this tyrant, gradually become aware of and begin to pull out those wounded Inner children from yourself that were created during the life of your ancestors.

Sorry, but… it’s so. Thank tyrant, because there is the same story in his/ her family as in yours. That’s why you’re together.

Two are fighting for love, but you can win, only knowing the Eighth Mystery:

8. To harmonize their relations, the man should be the winner and the woman should lose to him

To feel good, a woman should afford herself trust the world, accept it, not wanting for changes.

And a man feels great when he stands straight on his feet.

Man is supplied by female energy.

In a relationship, the woman who loses to the man is always the winner. Her energy is calm and flat. Many people join her territory, and her life becomes more and more diverse.

Such a woman is ready for new growth, which is disclosed in the Ninth Mystery:

9. Man wants to make a Queen of his woman and woman wants to get the King

A woman needs the man who can teach her to learn herself, to make her feel comfortable with him in all her female statuses: Queen, Mother, Girl, and Lover.

A woman needs the man who can teach her to learn herself, to make her feel comfortable with him in all her female statuses: Queen, Mother, Girl, and Lover.

That’s why she needs the King, a strong man who had grown up over his childhood fears and calmed down the spirits of his ancestors.

If you want your man to be the King, you should give him Royal attention recognize his merits.

The woman feels calm, happiness and abundance with her King.

Each man understands it and to feel like the King; he has to know the Tenth Secret:

10. Woman’s love depends greatly on man’s intonations

A real man should understand not only words but feelings of his beloved. He realizes how his intonations can influence his woman. He needs her Attention for growing in status, but she can reject him scared by his intonations.

And the King makes voice softer, to reach the success faster.

The King gives warmth to his woman, and she is always ready to tell him that he is the Man of her dream!

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How to Forget Someone After Break Up – 7 Rules https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-forget-someone/ https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-forget-someone/#respond Sun, 19 Aug 2018 20:48:15 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=814 Whether it’s been your first heartbreak or your fifth, getting over someone is one of the most underrated pains one has to go through. While it is literally impossible to learn how to forget someone like they never existed, but you can definitely move on from that feeling and continue to live your life peacefully without them. While that feeling is definitely difficult to move on from, it is not impossible. 7 Key Rules on How to Forget Someone and Move on Yes, you can do it. All you need is a little patience and a little strength and you

The post How to Forget Someone After Break Up – 7 Rules appeared first on Our Feelings.

Whether it’s been your first heartbreak or your fifth, getting over someone is one of the most underrated pains one has to go through. While it is literally impossible to learn how to forget someone like they never existed, but you can definitely move on from that feeling and continue to live your life peacefully without them. While that feeling is definitely difficult to move on from, it is not impossible.

7 Key Rules on How to Forget Someone and Move on

Yes, you can do it. All you need is a little patience and a little strength and you are good to go! Read on these 7 rules to help ease the process of how to forget someone.

Rule #1 Let Your Emotions Flow

The key rule on how to forget someone is to not bottle up your emotions inside you. LET THEM OUT. Cry, if you want to. Scream, if you want to. Bawl your eyes out. Drench that pillow. The thing about how to forget someone is that you have to first accept your pain and hurt and only then you will be able to move on. Things get easier if you accept the time required for the process and don’t rush into the situation and go easy on your emotions by allowing them to be free-flowing.

Rule #2 Do Not Keep In Touch

Keeping in touch will mean you being constantly reminded of your past, that you are trying to move on from. You are here googling about how to forget someone and if you are still in touch with them, that completely defeats the purpose. Even if you decide to remain friends with them, you cannot possibly resume being friends with them right at the moment you decide to forget them. If you want to forget someone, create distance between the two of you and sever all ties with them, preferably for a very long time. Only when you create distance, can you move on from that person, only then can you accomplish the task of how to forget someone. This includes no texts, no emails, no calls and no meeting. Block them, if you have to.

how to forget someone

Rule #3 Keep Yourself Busy

It is only natural that you find your mind wandering towards the person you are trying to forget, and it’s only natural to do so. But you have to draw a line at a point and not be carried off in their thoughts. And the best way to do so is by keeping yourself busy. Do the things you were supposed to since days, run errands, de-clutter your closet by getting rid of old clothes, clean up your room. Trust me, cleaning up physically makes you feel a lot better by cleaning up your mind too and it keeps you busy too. You will realize that you are stepping closer to forgetting the person.

Also read : Reasons to Breakup

Rule #4 Fall back on your Support System

This could be one of the most important steps you need to follow to get over someone after a breakup. Friends help a great deal in lending a shoulder to cry on, in order to forget someone you had once loved. You can also talk to your family members regarding the same. Hanging out with your friends works as a great mood-buster, eventually helping you feel good about yourself and thus helping you move on from that person’s memories.

Rule #5 Take up an Outdoor Activity

If anything, spending time outdoors has proven to magically lift your spirits. There are various activities you can take up outdoor like going for a swim, hiking, mountaineering, or simply going out for a walk in the nearby park. Go for a run and let your heart run wild and free and you will gain confidence as your endorphin levels will shoot up and you will be left feeling positive and happy. Taking up a new outdoor activity will not only help you forget the person but you will also end up learning a new adventure sport.

Rule #6 Love Yourself all over again

When we are trying to forget someone we loved, it is easy to fall into the trap of shouldering all the blame and hence thinking that we are unworthy of being loved, which is far from the truth. It is important to love yourself and to achieve this you can take small steps like making a list of things you love about yourself, smiling into the mirror, etc. These baby steps will help you realize that perhaps things were just not meant to be.

Rule #7 Be accepting of the whole process

The most important and basic thing which I had mentioned at the beginning of the process of how to forget someone is that it is essential to have patience. You were once deeply in love with that person and you cannot expect yourself to forget the person in the click of fingers. It is important to be accepting of the fact that the entire process of forgetting someone you loved is going to take time and will happen gradually. Sometimes, the feelings will come back and that’s okay. Time will heal the wounds and the thoughts will gradually fade out.

The overall process of getting over someone after a breakup is a difficult one but we hope that with a little patience and lot of self-love, you come out victorious! Also, remember that while it is okay to forget the person and the pain, but try to remember the learnings you took from the relationship. If things don’t seem better eventually, you can approach a therapist for help. Lastly, remember to live your life and move on from the things that hold you back.

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200+ Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend – Boyfriend Tag Questions https://ourfeelings.org/questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ https://ourfeelings.org/questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#respond Thu, 10 May 2018 21:08:34 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=108 When your relationship remains clean, it’s nice to get to understand the foolish basics of what makes your man beat. What is his favorite color? Which food does he absolutely hate? Can he beat you in a game of Monopoly? Here are a few fun questions to ask your boyfriend. New relationships are always fun and exciting, high in life and an undying need to get acquainted with each other. Once you’ve been together for a little while, you feel truly more comfortable with each other and minor things, such as they have to ask one another inquiries, commence to

The post 200+ Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend – Boyfriend Tag Questions appeared first on Our Feelings.

When your relationship remains clean, it’s nice to get to understand the foolish basics of what makes your man beat. What is his favorite color? Which food does he absolutely hate? Can he beat you in a game of Monopoly? Here are a few fun questions to ask your boyfriend.

New relationships are always fun and exciting, high in life and an undying need to get acquainted with each other. Once you’ve been together for a little while, you feel truly more comfortable with each other and minor things, such as they have to ask one another inquiries, commence to die down a little. Boyfriend Tag Questions- Maintain that interest going in your relationship! It’s totally necessary and suggests that you are still thinking about that honeymoon level that’s eventually the beginning of a new relationship.

Occasionally it’s just great to have a pretty Q&A session, whether you’re looking to get to understand the boy on a more intimate stage or are merely attempting to be pretty collectively! If you need some lovely inquiries to ask your sweetheart, here’s a whole list! These 21 Questions to Ask a Guy or Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend will help you to get to know your partner even better.

200+ Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

If you are looking for the best questions you can ask your boyfriend to know him better and to create a deeper connection between you two, then you have landed on the right page. In this post, we are sharing some Personal Questions Ask Boyfriend and Fun Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend with these another list of Questions:

  • Cute and romantic
  • Showing your interest in him
  • Making him open to you more
  • About his past
  • About his future
  • Funny
  • Deep and thought to provoke
  • Intimate
  • Dirty

Keep in mind: This list of questions is based on the truth that you two already are dating for some time. When you have just started dating, or you just want to continue the first day with him, then this article is going to be much better for you – 150+ Question to Ask Your Boyfriend.

Also Read: Truth or Dare Questions

Plan next and also have interview questions of your willing to ask. You’re not merely looking to get this task – you’re also finding the workplace to evaluate whether this company and the location are an excellent fit for you. Asking questions is an excellent approach to get into the business culture and the specific day-to-day responsibilities of the work. Here we are sharing best Questions to ask.

Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy

When it comes to speaking with a guy, you need to be sure you are psychological in tune with the work of flirting. To really get a guy to open up for your requirements and go with the flow is something which can be acquired. Here they are,

1. Can you like Kissing? – this will be a favorite for all lady who would like to obtain the attention of the man. This problem opens him up and allows him to essentially man up and take up the challenge. This question often results in who is a much better kisser and a chance to get a compliment.

2. What turn you on? – the goal of this issue is not simply to know where you can head to should you want this guy made on, but also to allow him to imagine you causing him to be made on. The act of suggesting what turns him on produces the creativity to him and therefore turns him on.

3. What do you do when you are hard? – It Is A deep sexy issue, the theory will be to get him to talk dirty. His reply to this issue could vary from masturbation to just seeking anyone to have sex with.

4. Do you masturbate? – It’s important to remember that many people masturbate so if he says yes, don’t create a big deal from it. You can get more by asking him, between having sex and masturbation which will he choose? Between making love with you and masturbation that will he prefer?

50 Most Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • If you had one word to describe our love what would it be?
  • What about our relationship makes you really happy?
  • What’s your favorite non-physical quality about me?
  • What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
  • Do you think I’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
  • What’s one thing you think makes our relationship unique from everyone else’s?
  • What’s one thing I do that makes you feel good, that you wish I did more?
  • What do you remember most about the night/day we first met?
  • If we could go anywhere together right now, where would you want to go?
  • What’s one quality about me that I see as a flaw that you love?
  • If you had one word to describe our relationship what would it be?
  • What’s your biggest weakness in this relationship?
  • How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating?
  • Is love something that scares you?
  • What’s one thing you’re scared to ask me, but want to know the answer to?
  • What’s your biggest fear for this relationship?
  • Who do you think is the most affectionate in our relationship?
  • What’s one secret you’ve wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
  • What about us both is the same since we first started dating?
  • What’s one difference between us that you love?

  • What does this relationship mean to you?
  • What’s your favorite way to receive affection?
  • What about me made you fall in love?
  • Do you think there’s such thing as the ‘right’ person for you?
  • What does love mean to you?
  • What do you think has been the hands-down funniest moment since we started dating?
  • If you could change one thing about our relationship what would it be?
  • If our relationship ended, what’s the one thing about it you’d miss the most?
  • What about us do you think works well together? How do we balance each other out?
  • Do you think you’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
  • What about love scares you?
  • Also Read: What to Do When You Are Bored
  • Do you believe there’s one person you’re ‘meant’ to be with?
  • Do you believe in fate? Destiny?
  • What do you think I’d say is your most attractive quality?
  • Where is your favorite place to be with me?
  • What do you think is your biggest strength in this relationship?
  • What’s your favorite memory of us?
  • What’s your favorite way to show affection?
  • What do I mean to you?
  • What’s your favorite physical quality about me?
  • If I said you could date other people, would you?
  • What do you think was your most vulnerable moment in our relationship?
  • What did you think when you first met me?
  • What’s one similarity between us that you love?
  • What’s one thing you hope happens in the future of our relationship?
  • What’s one thing about your life you would never change for someone else, including me?
  • What’s one thing you want to do together that we’ve never done before?
  • How do you think we both have changed since we first started dating?

Hard Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

People who are in a clinical trial or are thinking about joining a clinical trial have the directly to ask the study staff any questions they may have concerning the study.

The questions below are ideal for patients, prospective study volunteers, and their household members or friends, to ask the investigation team – which could include physicians, nurses, research coordinators and other people who help conduct the trial. You don’t desire a particular school to understand how to talk to a lady, though it’s difficult, all you need will be to understand what to state along with the moment to say it. Today within the post, we’ve decided to ensure it is easy by listing several of the random questions to ask any woman.

  • If you could invite 3 people to dinner, who would they be?
  • If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
  • If you could have chosen your name, what would you have picked?
  • What advice would you give to a person who is just graduating high school?
  • If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
  • If you had three wishes, what would they be?
  • If your home was on fire and you only had time to grab 3 things, what would they be?
  • If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
  • Also Read: How to Be Single After a Long Relationship
  • If you had $200 to spend on something special just for me, what would you buy?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow and have gained one ability, what would it be and why?
  • If you only had a week left to live, what are some things you would do?
  • If you became famous, would you enjoy the limelight or miss your privacy?
  • If you were told you have a terminal illness, how would you take the news?
  • If a family member needed a kidney and you were the only match, would you give one up?
  • You wait?
  • Would you sacrifice yourself for a stranger?

Cute and Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Cute and Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • Do you remember the day we met?
  • Why do you like/love me?
  • Would you shout my name to the world?
  • At what point did you decide that you wanted us to be “official?”
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What does it feel like to you when we hold each other?
  • Would you introduce me to your parents?
  • How do you feel when we’re apart?
  • When did you first realize you loved/liked me?
  • If I had to move far, would you stay in a long distance relationship with me?
  • What was your very first impression of me when you first saw me?
  • What is your first thought in the morning when you wake up next to me?
  • What was the first thing that you noticed about me that made you feel attracted?
  • What was your first impression of me when we met?
  • If we got married someday, where would you want to take me on a honeymoon?
  • Do you believe in soulmates?
  • Would you meet my parents?
  • Do you think we’re soulmates?
  • Everything happens for a reason—why do you think we met?
  • Is there a song that you think of when you think of me?
  • How would you describe our first kiss?
  • If I had to move away really far, would you come with me?

Also Read: Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend

Flirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Flirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • How would you describe the way I kiss?
  • What is your favorite physical feature of mine?
  • Do you like when I touch your face?
  • Would you kiss me in public?
  • Would you ever go skinny dipping with me?
  • Would you hold my hand in public?
  • Would you ever take a bath with me?
  • Where is your favorite place to kiss me?
  • Would you kiss me on the forehead?
  • Do you like to cuddle?
  • Would you kiss me on the neck?
  • Do you like kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain more?
  • Where is your favorite place to be massaged?
  • Would you kiss me on the wrist?
  • Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
  • How many times did you want to kiss me before our actual first kiss?
  • Would you kiss me on the nose?
  • What do you see when you close your eyes kissing me?
  • Would you rather hug for 5 seconds or kiss for 1 second?

Personal Questions to Ask Your Bf to Learn About How He Sees Himself

  • What is one thing that you cannot start your day without?
  • Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
  • What would be your perfect date night?
  • What’s something that no one else knows about you?
  • Would you consider yourself an optimist, pessimist, or realist?
  • How do you deal with failure?
  • Would you consider yourself materialistic?
  • What are some things that offend you?
  • Do you think it’s okay to have a close female friend at work?
  • Someone calls me something horrible. Do you let me fight my battles, or jump in and defend me?
  • Which one fits you better? “Live for the moment,” or “Save the best for last”?
  • What would you consider a perfect day?
  • When things break, do you prefer to fix them or replace them?
  • What are three things you are willing to splurge on for yourself?
  • When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
  • What do you most fear about getting older?
  • If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
  • Do you put more attention to the people around you or the things around you?
  • What are you most thankful for?
  • Do you ever rehearse a phone call beforehand?
  • What inspires you?
  • Would you consider yourself an externally motivated or internally motivated person?
  • What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  • When you die, do you want to be buried or cremated? Why?
  • If you’re stressed out, what helps you wind down?
  • Do you prefer going out or staying in?
  • We notice an old man living out of a shopping cart behind a grocery store. What is your first thought about him?

Questions to Get Him Talking About Himself

  • Do you prefer that I make the first move?
  • Does it mean a lot to you when I say I love you?
  • If I were to cook you dinner, what would make you the happiest?
  • Is there anything that I’d be surprised to find in your bedroom?
  • Would you ever take me on a trip with you and your friends?
  • If you didn’t win anything in a carnival game, would you try again?
  • When you’re alone, do you think about me?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  • How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  • What would be your ideal vacation with me?
  • If I were to make you breakfast, what would you want it to be?
  • Do you mean it when you say you love me?
  • Would you enjoy a hot air balloon ride over a pretty terrain?
  • Would you rather take me camping or on a tropical vacation?
  • Has a sad movie ever made you cry?
  • Am I the kind of girl you’d take home to your parents?
  • What’s your favorite thing about traveling?
  • If your friends told you to dump me, how would you react?
  • What’s your favorite piece of clothing?
  • What things do I do that make you blush?
  • Who’s your celebrity crush?
  • Do you talk about me when you’re with your friends?
  • Who knows you the best?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’d do for me?
  • Do you think your family will like me too?
  • Would it embarrass you if I called you a pet name in front of your friends?
  • What’s your best feature?
  • What is your ideal date?
  • Do you let me win games?
  • Would you prefer to lay on a beach with me to get a tan or get playful in the water?
  • Do you have any secrets you’d share with me?
  • If you have a vision of the perfect date to take me on, what is it like?
  • Would you rather go on a road trip with me or with friends?
  • How can you tell that you’re going to be friends with someone?
  • When was a time that you laughed the hardest?
  • What is your fondest childhood memory?
  • Does it make you feel good when I tell you how cute you are?
  • Would you ever dress up for no reason and just dance with me anywhere, even an empty parking lot?
  • If you caught another guy trying to pick me up, what would you do or say?
  • How would you describe your family?
  • Do you prefer a date watching movies at home, snuggled up on the couch, or out at the movie theater?

Also Check: How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • How do you know you’re doing the right thing with your life?
  • Have you ever been in love before?
  • What do you want to change about us as a couple?
  • What do you want out of being together?
  • When was a time you were deeply hurt?
  • What is something you want to know about me?
  • What are your dealbreakers?
  • What does love mean to you?
  • Do you have any regrets?
  • What’s something you’re afraid to tell me?
  • What does being together mean to you?
  • Tell me about your (best friend, parents, siblings). What’s your relationship with them like?
  • What’s something that you want to change about yourself?
  • What do you like about us as a couple?
  • What is something I can help you with?
  • When do you feel appreciated the most?
  • What was one of the best moments of your life?
  • Would you change anything about your life, if you could?
  • What, to you, is the most important thing in life?
  • What is your biggest fear?

Random Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • Cookie dough or cookies?
  • You just found five dollars on the ground. What do you do?
  • You can only wear one thing for the rest of your life. What do you choose?
  • If you could choose to be talented with words, music, or dance, what would you choose?
  • If there was only one cookie left, would you share it?
  • What would the title of your autobiography be?
  • Hotdog or hamburger?
  • If you could feed me a dessert, what would you pick?
  • If there was only one cookie left, would you give it to me?
  • If we were stranded on an island with no food, would you hunt to help us survive?
  • If you could go back in time, but only to last week, what moment would you visit and why?
  • If I could be your passenger in any car or vehicle, what would it be?
  • If you could have any kind of cake made for you in any size, shape, or color, what would it be?
  • If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
  • Would you rather race me on a jet ski or have me on the back of yours?
    If you could throw anything against a brick wall, what would it be?
  • If money were no object, what would you have for breakfast every day?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • What celebrity most resembles me?
  • Ice cream or milkshake?
  • Would you rather live in a cave or under the sea?
  • You have three wishes from a genie. Go!

Political Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

  • Why do you think the divorce rate is so high nowadays?
  • What do you think is the biggest flaw of the welfare system?
  • If you were running for president, what are three key things you would include in your campaign?
  • Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
  • How do you feel about genetically modified food?
  • What is one thing that you feel would make any small business owner more successful?
  • What invention do you think has done the most for the human race?
  • Should children be allowed to have cell phones?
  • Do you think a person’s outward appearance says anything about who they are as a person?
  • How important do you think it is to do well in school?
  • Would you consider yourself proud to live in this country?
  • Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
  • What are your views on the political system?

Dirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend or Sweetheart is something that both children enjoy doing, it is extremely important for the two lovers in a relationship to clear their questions on any conditions that might occur within their relationship. Oftentimes we shy from asking these issues but they have become important and can assist you to understand your man in a better way.

Within this latest article on our romance line, we’ve collected a summary of 20 attractive Love Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to See if He Loves You and gets him talking dirty in no time. While we recognize there are other similar articles circulating online, this model of the game is meant to show your boyfriend. These pretty and dirty issues won’t simply attract your boyfriend but will even allow both of you to find out how daring you will be. Challenge him to answer most of the questions, feel free to post in the comments section below. Hope you liked this article on Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend. Comment below if you want to add something.

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How to Get Out of Friend Zone – From Friend to Girlfriend or Boyfriend https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-get-out-of-friend-zone/ https://ourfeelings.org/how-to-get-out-of-friend-zone/#respond Fri, 20 Apr 2018 23:40:33 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=403 How to Get Out of Friend Zone: Imagine if you are a monkey and you see banana in front of you but you can’t have it. Why? because you have been friends with the banana. Welcome to the friendzone! But a monkey’s gotta do what monkeys gotta do.If you want a more vivid description, let’s say there are people who would actually choose to go to hell than going into friend zone. Today in this article, we are going to share How to Get Out of Friend Zone. Before I help you to get out from the friendzone, we first must

The post How to Get Out of Friend Zone – From Friend to Girlfriend or Boyfriend appeared first on Our Feelings.

How to Get Out of Friend Zone: Imagine if you are a monkey and you see banana in front of you but you can’t have it. Why? because you have been friends with the banana. Welcome to the friendzone! But a monkey’s gotta do what monkeys gotta do.If you want a more vivid description, let’s say there are people who would actually choose to go to hell than going into friend zone. Today in this article, we are going to share How to Get Out of Friend Zone.

Before I help you to get out from the friendzone, we first must discuss why people get stuck there in the first place. Basically, all interactions are interpersonal transactions (for more, see below). Which means that people set up give-and-consider contracts, usually without dialogue, to obtain what they want from the other person and give the things they are prepared to give.

Each other is getting everything she or he needs…but the person trapped inside the friend-zone isn’t. In a nutshell, the friend zone individual sold himself or herself short. They gave their “buddy” everything, without making certain they got everything they needed in return.

How to Escape the Friend Zone

To escape the friend zone or How to Get Out of the Friend Zone With a Guy Through Texting, you should first realize that all interactions require negotiation – and you are wanting to “renegotiate” the current exchange. Essentially, you desire “more” from the other person. Probably, you are currently offering a lot of and what you really want is to allow them to balance the scales. Fortunately, there are always a few influence rules that do indeed balance the machines. Using those principles, we are able to develop a couple of ways to for How to Get Out of Friend Zone:

The Friend Zone is just a position we’ve all been at one level or another within our lives. Some of us have been there so long, we may too take-up a sublet and acquire a parking permit. If you’re one of many fortunate few who doesn’t understand what it’s, the Friend-Zone is just a sort of relationship purgatory where one-party is in deep love with the other party but creates as a very close friend. Generally, it’s the saddest occasion to the block.

How to Get Out of Friend Zone

According to popular belief, once you’re within the Friend Zone, you’re invited for-life, but that’s actually completely false. Here we are going to share 8 easy ways to How to Get Out of the Friend Zone With Your Best Friend

There are things you are accidentally doing that are keeping you inside the Friend Zone much longer than you must be there. There, we said it. It’s not your friend’s fault. Your friend isn’t a terrible person for keeping you hostage in this dreaded place. You’re doing it to yourself.

How to Get Out of Friend Zone

I guess we all have had a crush who crushed our hearts by referring to us merely as a ‘friend’. And we may gawk at them from miles apart and wait on them and hold doors for them and send them corny texts but they just seem to refuse to take the hint.Yes, We have all been there.So the million dollar question is “How to Get Out of Friend Zone“. Let’s go through it step by step.

Also Read: Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You


When you are friend zoned, the other person gets everything she wants from you as a friend but you, on the other hand, you are left with unreciprocated sentiments and a feeling of void. This is not a healthy state of mind to even maintain friendships.


Yes, for all you know you might be uselessly hitting on someone and they might happily be in a relationship. Many people do not like to reveal personal details to someone whom they simply consider to be a “friend”. Do not assume availability.


Do you need to find out whether it’s its them? Maybe it’s not about you but the person does not want to initiate any relationships. The reasons may vary from professional commitment to previous bad experiences in relationships. See if you can sort that out.


How to Get Out of Friend Zone

How to Get Out of Friend Zone

You might think that she is ignoring your advances but actually she might not really be getting any of them. You might be too subtle with your hints. She might mistake your frequent texts or extra affection for kindness or maybe desperation if you are out of luck.Better yet, try to take the bull by the horns. People like someone who makes bold statements and is willing to take risks and make efforts. For all you know, they might fall for your confidence.

Read: How to Break Up With Someone You Still Love


Remember Pavlov’s experiment? Find out what your crush likes, (say her favorite chocolate) and present that to her each time you meet her. Her brain links happiness she experiences because of the chocolate to YOU. When it becomes regular, her brain will ‘remind her to be happy’ on seeing you even if you do not have the chocolates. Secondly, ask them to do favors for you. Yes, you heard that right. Instead of you doing favors for them, people like it more when they are able to help you. This is called the Franklin effect. Remember to be grateful and show how much their effort
meant to you.


How to Get Out of Friend Zone

Stop begging for a relationship. Make yourself scarce. When you are eedy, you have to be satisfied with whatever people give you, not what you want. Thus seem interested but ready to walk away on rejection. The more disinterested person tends to lead the relationship according to ‘The Least Interested Principle’.


This is a must in all scenarios, whether you get your love or not. Be ready to accept their decision. If anything it elevates your worth and respect in their eyes. Do not be too pushy or threaten them with repercussions if they do not act as you desire. No love is
better than forced love.


How to Get Out of Friend Zone

How to Get Out of Friend Zone

Know everything you are putting at stake. Do you want to endanger your friendship to take a shot at relationship? Make a move only if you are very sure of your intentions else you might ending up losing a friend too. Lastly, do not get despaired. It is only a matter of time before you find ‘The Right One’.

Read: How to Turn a Girl On Over Text

It’s possible to dig out of an irregular, “friend-zone” trade, using a little marketing and influence. Select what you want in a connection and do not settle for less. Just remember to target on your own value, you shouldn’t be determined, and be prepared to walk away. Enable some room for the other person to miss you. Create some friends outside of that friendship and create a little competition too. Finally, let that friend put money into you and compensate them for this.

We have mentioned all the possible ways for How to Get Out of Friend Zone – From Friend to Girlfriend or Boyfriend, How to Get Out of the Friend Zone Fast,  and How to Tell if You Are in the Friend Zone. Comment below and share your experience so that other people can read and apply them to escape from Friend Zone.

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11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You https://ourfeelings.org/signs-your-girlfriend-is-cheating-on-you/ https://ourfeelings.org/signs-your-girlfriend-is-cheating-on-you/#respond Fri, 20 Apr 2018 23:38:12 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=12 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You – Remember when you were small and you thought love was this invincible, bulletproof force which was resistant to outside influence, impervious to evil and able to eliminating all obstacles? And, you then discovered your partner was sleeping with your best friend since weekly when you achieved, and that bubble was ruptured, to never be restored again. Finding a partner’s event is simpler than older times. Texts, emails and online bank card statements keep the reckless spouse having an electric event path a gigabyte long. We all know the normal telltale signs: weight reduction,

The post 11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You appeared first on Our Feelings.

Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You – Remember when you were small and you thought love was this invincible, bulletproof force which was resistant to outside influence, impervious to evil and able to eliminating all obstacles? And, you then discovered your partner was sleeping with your best friend since weekly when you achieved, and that bubble was ruptured, to never be restored again. Finding a partner’s event is simpler than older times. Texts, emails and online bank card statements keep the reckless spouse having an electric event path a gigabyte long. We all know the normal telltale signs: weight reduction, audio or food passions, the purchase of the new wardrobe. If your event radar is up — since your partner’s conduct simply seems down or from the regular — listed here are 11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You.

Also Read: Why Do Men Cheat on Their Girlfriend! Top Reasons

Sorry. Maybe we got a little personal on that one. Perhaps, you’re one of many lucky few who remains a trick for love, and the wool has yet to wear away. We hate to ruin your remaining naivete single-handedly, but women do cheat sometimes. Thankfully, more regularly than not, such items don’t often occur without some caution. Or in some instances, many. Listed below are 11 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You. In this article, we will give you some strong reason for How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating Quiz and Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Cheating on you.

If you need to know if your Girlfriend is cheating for you, check to find out if she is suddenly caring more about her looks or if she’s becoming more distant. Listen for excessive nagging. Discover if she is cheating on pursuing her or arriving at her place unexpectedly. Finally, ask her directly or trust your gut. Do you know What Are Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You and Signs She Is Cheating In A Long Distance Relationship?

11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You

It’s never any fun once you start to think your Girlfriend of messing around. If you’re beginning to believe it’s happening to you, these symptoms may either allay your fears or confirm the worst. But before allegations and paranoia start traveling around, keep in mind one quite boring but extremely important point: an attractive relationship is made on confidence, integrity, and freedom. When you are not sure, communicate with her, and provides her the advantage of the uncertainty. In this article, we are sharing some true and fact Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating and Inevitable Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating on you.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating Quiz

Most women are loyal. Traditionally, and in different countries, they expect women to act like martyrs—someone who’d stay in a relationship. There are lots of factors, why women are cheating their partner that more than 50% are guilty of it. But how should you know if your girlfriend is dedicated? We explore the most typical signs which will help you tell whether the lady is cheating you. So what makes her look for happiness in the arms of another man? Whatever the reasons are, acceptable or not, check these 11 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating Quiz and How To Find Out If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On Facebook.

Using these 11 Signs She Is Cheating In A Long Distance Relationship, you can tell if your girlfriend is cheating on your or not. If yes then share your experience with us.

1. She pays more focus on her phone than you

If you undoubtedly spend every meal glaring at her as she rotates between different social networks and responses to every text that rises, don’t be too fast to create her behavior down is a sign of the occasions.

Sure, all of us are guilty of being so overly immersed in our digital lives that we neglect the present moment. But if she makes a continuous pattern of speaking with her Twitter fans a lot more than you dinner dates, it may point to her insufficient investment in the connection, not just her short attention span. We do not want to say she may be paying your night together making ideas with another person, but stranger things have occurred.

2. She is less interested in sex

Every couple has sex routines. Maybe three times weekly can be your majority; perhaps you obtain it in every evening. If your convention strangely changes, and you find you are battling a brand new excuse each night, you may want to investigate what lies. Is she too tired (every damn evening)? Has your sex life just gotten that dull? Or, is she simply disinterested in humping you…since she’s getting hired elsewhere?

We’re not saying you must attract crazy findings from the single “not tonight,” but be aware of what typical seems like so you know whenever your gender routine diverges from this, and take the time to discuss what the real issue is.

3. Noticing What She Does

See f she starts caring much more about her appearance. If your girlfriend’s wardrobe has suddenly tripled throughout the last two months, but you’ve rarely been at a time, then she may dress for someone apart from you. It may be a colleague, a classmate, or simply about anyone else in her life. And if she is instantly placing a lot more time into her hair and makeup when she says she just headed to the supermarket or even to get coffee having a friend, then anything may be up. Check more Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You.

If she’s suddenly spent more time at the gym and is far more interested in getting in form, she may be doing it for another person. Just to be obvious — she may also just start caring about her look because she wants to look nicer and become more in form. But this time, along with others, could be a sign of cheating.

4. See if she withdraws from your friends

The same goes for your friends although she may have previously liked group trips to the beach or trivia night along with your friends, if she instantly never really wants to hang out using them, then it may be because she is looking to extricate himself from you. If she is cheating on you, then she might feel like she doesn’t deserve to stay your social circle. If this becomes evident, don’t be afraid to ask her why. She could have another reason for why she does not need to spend some time together with your friends.

So when she does spend time with you and your friends and their behavior appears to modify, and they act all uncomfortable around her, then they may learn something which you don’t. It is a common warning that your girlfriend is cheating you and you are the past to learn.

5. She Maintains To Herself

She could be busy with her work schedules, making it to yoga class and seeing her friends – but when she’s not letting you know about her evening, there’s an opportunity she’s telling someone else. Laurel House, dating coach, and the author suggests if she isn’t discussing her worries, heights, and lows, you’ve reason to stress. “Do you feel like you’re only getting the ‘need to know’ information without stepping into how anything made her experience?” House asks. If so, she could be leaning on another person.

6. She’s Much Less Open

Let’s be real: women are typically more open about their emotions than men are. It is when you’re able to open up to some particular lady which you feel linked to her, when she starts up in exchange, your connection begins to cultivate. However, if she’s quiet and hardly ever annoyed, she might be emotionally unfaithful with someone else. Why? Because unlike men, ladies cheat mentally before they go towards the physical level, experts say. “An emotional affair can become riskier compared to the regular male matter,” House says.

7. She is Hiding Her Phone

While she’s doing anything she knows she shouldn’t, it’s probably she’ll feel guilty about it. You might notice that in place of hanging out scrolling through Instagram on the couch with you, she put her phone in the other room. She probably doesn’t wish to chance you looking over and finding her in the act. “Women may hide texts, email deals, and telephone calls with a ‘good friend,’” House says. “He can start as only a friend, but it is also progressing into more.”

8. The Huge Gap Between you and her

Some girls love to spoon or curl alongside their beloved. But once the passion is gone, she’d stop looking those lovely moments.  Ready to sleep alone or at the farther side of the sleep since. Odds are, she’s fallen out of love and into someone else’s bed.

9. Wandering eyes

Wandering eyes

While you’re out in public areas, her eyes scan the area like she’s trying to find someone. She’s either wanting or worrying an opportunity encounter with her lover. You’ll realize that she only isn’t as calm and focused as before.

10. She mumbles when she says, “I love you.”

It doesn’t automatically signify she’s cheating, but this may be a sign that she’s not that into you anymore, and she feels lonely or shy to say these words. It may also just be because she’s tired of saying it each day. Some girls get lazy, too, you know. When coupled with at least five of the signs on this list, however, it’s an indicator of something different.

11. She avoids intimacy

Most of us get bored with intercourse if we’ve been using the same person for a lot more than 3 years. However, if your simple touch makes her cringe or cry, or her libido has totally disappeared, she could be cheating, or checking out emotionally. In any event, you need to talk.

If the many signs above add up, consider asking her right if she’s seeing somebody else. I have obtained the 16 most popular explanations why girl cheat, always be alert to them, as it pertains to choosing the right woman to get a relationship. If you checked Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You and found these Signs She Is Cheating In A Long Distance Relationship tips. Also find How To Find Out If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On Facebook.

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Autophobia or Fear of Being Alone https://ourfeelings.org/autophobia/ https://ourfeelings.org/autophobia/#respond Fri, 20 Apr 2018 21:38:04 +0000 https://ourfeelings.org/?p=611 Autophobia or the fear of being alone is clutching many people in its claws every day. People from every age cohort re facing this fear. Why do you think this fear of existing? It is because, in our society is enraptured by a social, emotional vacuum. We may be connected over social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, or, twitter. But there is emotional isolation prevailing everywhere. It is also due to the fact that people are decreasingly aware of self-awareness. They seldom look into themselves and try to dwell on the notions that their “self” is trying to teach. This

The post Autophobia or Fear of Being Alone appeared first on Our Feelings.

Autophobia or the fear of being alone is clutching many people in its claws every day. People from every age cohort re facing this fear. Why do you think this fear of existing? It is because, in our society is enraptured by a social, emotional vacuum. We may be connected over social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, or, twitter. But there is emotional isolation prevailing everywhere. It is also due to the fact that people are decreasingly aware of self-awareness. They seldom look into themselves and try to dwell on the notions that their “self” is trying to teach. This article is mainly focusing on fear of being forgotten. Everyone goes through once in a while, even I did and still do, but there is nothing to worry about. After reading this, you will get your answers on the following

  • phobia of being rejected
  • scared of being alone after a breakup
  • fear of being single
  • fear of being alone forever

These are some of the most common types of feelings which arise when a person goes through some tragedy, like a breakup, death of someone close or separation. But you can be helped. Always remember that no matter what the situation is, there sustains a solution.


Let us start by discussing the fundamental definition of loneliness. It is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful and wrenching feeling of emptiness and isolation within him. It is more than the feeling of wanting someone’s company or wanting to do something with another person even for a moment. Loneliness is a feeling more on the terms of being cut off, disconnected, alienated from other individuals in the vicinity. And that is why people who are experiencing this end up feeling empty or taxed.

Fear of Being Alone – Autophobia

But there are ways to overcome the fear of being forgotten. You just have to focus on the good rather than the vacant in this context. This has been portrayed in the following points.

  • Stop criticising yourself- yes, you made a mistake which led to consequences and then to certain actions which were not in your favour. But for how long will you blame yourself for this. It is called mistake for a reason. To err is human. Accept your mistake, take responsibility, make amends but don’t beat yourself up for this. Self-blaming leads to self-loathing which is in direct link with self-esteem issues and depression. Once you slip off this, it will be a downhill spiral. Be kind to yourself, think positive thoughts which will lead to positive emotions thus decrease the feeling of loneliness.
  • Invest in something good- My mantra in overcoming the fear of being alone was to get a job. I started working day and night. From college to investing my time in four start-ups, I had no time to shed for negative thoughts like this. It is not escaping but realising your worth. After you start focusing on something productive and receive outcomes in your favor, you understand your worth, and you gain confidence. Thus you feel adept. There is no longer need to depend on anyone for attention, love or care. Your productivity becomes your friend.

Also Check: How to Break Up With Someone You Still Love

  • Don’t garner emotions like envy, jealousy or biased pessimistic belief- Being a psychology student, I can say it for a fact that when people feel into the cycle of negative emotions, they tend to develop a bias for pessimism. They firmly believe that everything will turn on badly or fail in their lives. This is one of the major root cause in developing the fear of being forgotten. One argument, one mistake and they reach to the extremity thinking that person will leave them. Other than this, don’t envy or be jealous of the people around you, for the things that they have. Things unfurl when they are meant to, just be patient and be happy for them.
  • Change your lifestyle and thinking: the way you live and think about your reality says a lot. People who feel lonely tend to stay up all night to till very late. They watch too much of TV or obsessively active on social media networking just to replace that void. But this backfires. All these factors make you more susceptible to being vulnerable and exposed to loneliness.

Wake up early, bask in some vitamin D, as it gives you all the energy to function throughout the day. Join yoga or dance classes, by doing so; you are moving your body. Dancing to a rhythm, thus doing what your heart delights in. Exercising is therapeutic to mind and body. And while doing so, you even meet new people. Your circle grows.

  • Try meeting new people: Loneliness emerges when we start liking it. Our brain accepts the fact that loneliness can be blissful as well. Refrain from that. Even if you don’t feel like leaving your bed, do it. Force a smile, slap on a clean shirt and go out. Go to book readings, take yourself to dinner, treat yourself. All of this will trick your brain into believing that you are indeed not alone and happy. And that is all there is to be done. One positive emotion and your neurons will mirror it to another existing neuron. In short, treat yourself.
  • Confide in your friends: you may shy away or think that your friends don’t care and it is better not to bother them, but you will be shocked by the support you will get just by sharing and venting till your heart’s content. This will lighten the pressure on you and give you the feeling that you have somebody to rely on during crisis like these.
  • Play with puppies: Puppy therapy or playing animals is a good way to nullify your fear of being alone. Animals are loving in nature if you go to them with love. Play with your dog or cat, observe that they have no one but you and they bind their whole world around you. Isn’t that lovingly good? In this ride of life where you think that you are alone or suffer through the fear of being abandoned, you have one loyal companion always shaking its tail even when you just glance a smile.
  • Seek professional if needed: Today is the time where all the stereotypes and taboos are being broken. Mental illness is no longer a subject looked down upon. So reach out, call a professional psychologist, ask for their guidance. They are abler and adept in resolving your consistent fear of fear of being alone at night or anytime for that matter. Remember that this situation can be helped. You don’t have to live like this with Autophobia.

Don’t feel alone because you aren’t. Reach out there are millions of people who are willing to talk to you. Fear of being alone is temporary; you can overcome it. Just have patience and concentrate on breathing. Breathe in and breathe out. And please don’t google “fear of being alone quotes” it will only make you miserable.

I hope this article has proven worthy during Autophobia or time like that. Till then, hang in there and fight harder. We are here.

The post Autophobia or Fear of Being Alone appeared first on Our Feelings.

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